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General Return Policy

The return period for all products is 14 days. Please return products unworn (you can of course fit) with original labels in shipping box, quoting the order number. Providing a reason is not mandatory but we do appreciate it.

The shipping costs of both the return and the return of the package are for your own account in the case of a return or exchange.

Return address is:


Passage 16
4701 AP Roosendaal

The Netherlands

As soon as the item has arrived at us in its original state, we will notify you and return the amount due to the account number known to us. That will happen within a maximum of 14 days. These 14 days start from the moment the item is sent to us.

In the event of unexpected complaints about us or a product, please contact us via the contact page or via our email address info@welovefootballshirts.com .

Together we will look for a good solution.